
What you need to know about the Vein Laser Therapy process

You can have the fit and flawless legs you desire in just four simple steps
our Approach

Your Vein Laser Therapy Journey


Step 1

We will take a detailed history and carry out some diagnostic measures and vein mapping to identify the damaged veins.

Step 2

Once we have discussed your motivations and treatment goals, we will devise a tailor-made treatment plan that addresses your unique problem.

Step 3

First, we inject local anaesthetic fluid around the vein using ultrasound guidance. The local anaesthetic fluid numbs the vein and the surrounding tissue so that the whole procedure is pain-free.We then insert the laser catheter into the damaged vein using an ultrasound scan to guide it into the correct position.The laser is slowly pulled back through the vein, guided by the ultrasound scan and delivers short bursts of energy that heat-up the vein and seal it closed.

Step 4

After treatment, your legs are instantly smoother and clearer. Better yet, you’ll experience instant relief from those painful symptoms.We can then plan some post-operative appointments to ensure everything is healing nicely and that we have achieved the desired results.On your first appointment, we will check to see if everything looks and feels okay. In 14 weeks, we will perform the vein mapping to assess the outcome and evaluate the results. We will then repeat this step at 28 weeks.If further treatment is required – for example if you require surgery on a perforator vein – we can take care of this after the 14 and 28-day evaluation and post-operative assessment.You’ll be skipping, running and dancing with more comfort and confidence in no time.

Step 5

Optionally a Follow Up Plan at 3, 6 12 and 18 Months are offered to every patient.
Enjoy fit and flawless legs in 3 easy steps

How vein treatment works

Don’t waste time on temporary treatments

Our long-lasting vein treatments will have you walking, running and dancing with more comfort and confidence

Before and after comparison of a patient's legs, showing the successful treatment of varicose veins, highlighting the effectiveness of vein health interventions.Before and after comparison of a patient's legs, showing the successful treatment of varicose veins, highlighting the effectiveness of vein health interventions.

Before and after vein treatment

We’ve helped hundreds of Austrians, Slovenian and Croatians get more joy and comfort from their legs without the disappointment of painful surgery and short-lasting results

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Who can varicose vein treatment help?

We do our best to understand your needs and goals so we can offer you the very best treatments


B. K.
“Vor allem die zeitgemässe und umfangreiche Beratung von Dr. S. haben mich beeindruckt. Eine Praxis, die auf dem neuesten Stand ist und ein Arzt der äussert kompetent ist.”
J. K.
“Beste Betreuung, Op. ohne Schmerzen und nach 14 Tagen war ich glücklich. Meine Krampfadern waren nicht mehr da.”
H. P.
“Habe mich sehr gut beraten gefühlt. Einfühlsame Behandlung trotz langer Dauer, sehr persönliche Ansprache. Bin sehr froh, Dr. Salama gewählt zu haben.”
G. S.
“Sehr kompetent, sehr einfühlsam, sehr freundlich. Sehr gute Arbeit geleistet. Bin sehr zufrieden”
E. T.
Kompetenter Arzt, rascher Termin, gute Nachbetreuung, sehr höflicher Umgang mit Patienten
I. R.
Personal sehr freundlich. Hr.Dr.M. ist eine der besten genaue Chirurg, nimmt sich auch Zeit für den Patienten und geht auf alle Fragen ein! Einfach nur weiter zu empfehlen!!! :)