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Innovation makes it possible: A new era in the treatment of superficial veins.

Post by 
Dr. Mohamed Salama
January 27, 2024

hat made innovation in vein treatments possible?

Dr. Salama: The new era in the medical field of vascular diseases (phlebology) is now being introduced through the combination of cryotherapy with skin and endovenous lasers in the treatment of superficial veins. The ability of cryotherapy (cold therapy) to reduce pain, contract tissue, and minimize inflammation is also used to enhance the effectiveness of vein treatments and ensure patient comfort and safety.

What are innovative approaches in the treatment of superficial veins?

Dr. Salama: Cryo-laser-sclerotherapy is a combination of cryotherapy with laser technology and sclerotherapy, improving the treatment of superficial veins. The pain-relieving and vasoconstricting effects of cryotherapy complement the precision of laser therapy and the effectiveness of sclerotherapy, leading to a more comfortable and effective treatment process. The neodymium-yttrium-aluminum-garnet 1064-nm laser (Nd:YAG), known for its deep penetration and efficiency, is now used in conjunction with cryotherapy. This combination offers increased safety and effectiveness! In this balanced approach, the intensity of the laser is neutralized by the cooling effect of cryotherapy, thereby reducing the risk of potential skin burns. This is a crucial aspect of this combined approach. By cooling the skin surface and creating a buffer zone, cryotherapy protects the skin. Does this revolutionary approach expand the treatment horizons? Dr. Salama: This method has expanded the scope of phlebology, allowing superficial veins in the areas of the arms, forehead, and lower legs to be treated without visible scars or skin damage. Focusing on patient comfort and safety, treatments use ultrasound guidance, tumescent anesthesia, and cold air application to ensure a smooth and pain-free procedure.

What does the combination of cryotherapy with endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) bring?

Dr. Salama: The use of EVLA, especially with a 1940nm diode laser, complements the cooling effects of cryotherapy. This combination enables precise treatment of superficial veins just 1 mm under the skin. This simultaneously protects the skin and increases patient comfort. Incorporating cryotherapy into these treatments has significantly reduced complications such as bruising and thrombus formation, easing the recovery process for patients. Treated patients have reported high satisfaction rates with aesthetic results and appreciate the absence of scars or markings after treatment.

What new vein treatment methods are available in your practice?

Dr. Salama: The combination of cryotherapy with Nd:YAG and endovenous lasers in the treatment of superficial veins stands as a testament to innovation in phlebology. This approach not only increases the effectiveness and safety of treatments but also patient comfort and satisfaction. With ongoing research and the potential to replace more invasive procedures, this method is destined to redefine the standards for minimally invasive and aesthetically oriented vein treatments. Due to these developments, this technique is expected to become a cornerstone in the field of phlebology, offering a mix of effectiveness, safety, and cosmetic appeal in vein treatment.

Uncertain if your symptoms indicate potential vein issues? No worries – we've got the solution! Take a brief moment to complete our Venous Self-Test. This simple and quick test, based on the validated and medically recognized VENES Quality questionnaire, allows you to assess your symptoms and gain valuable insights into your venous health. Why remain in the dark? Seize the opportunity for a pain-free life and start our Venous Self-Test today! Click here to get started: Venous Self-Test. Your health is in your hands – take control now!

Don’t waste time on temporary treatments

Our long-lasting, Individualized vein treatments will have you walking, running and dancing with more comfort and confidence

Why do people choose to have Individulised Vein Treatments?

So that they can walk, run and dance with more comfort and confidence

After the individual vein treatment, you’ve got your legs back. Those awful veins are no longer the first thing you see when you look in the mirror.


Relief washes over you knowing that your condition has been treated and you no longer have to suffer from those uncomfortable symptoms again.

You feel like you can wear everything and anything you want.

Your confidence is elevated and you feel attractive and feminine again.

After battling with troublesome veins for so long it feels so good to respect and reconnect with your body.
Your renewed energy and zest for life is refreshing for everyone around you.

Individual Vein Treatment has given you your life back. With your new fit and flawless legs you can run, jump and dance your way into a bright and beautiful future.

Take our online vein self-assessment to see if you can 
be free of troublesome veins

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