
The crowning glory of holistic leg rejuvenation

Post by 
Dr. Mohamed Salama
August 5, 2024

Do complex skin discolorations pose a particular challenge?
Dr. Salama: We often see two types of skin discoloration after many years of vein disease: Stasis dermatitis and hemosiderosis. In the case of stasis dermatitis (blood accumulation due to insufficient venous return), a chronic inflammatory reaction leads to an overproduction of melanin. This leads to brownish discoloration. Hemosiderosis is caused by excessive iron deposits from destroyed red blood cells and manifests itself in characteristic reddish-brown spots.

What are the treatment options for skin discoloration?
Dr. Salama: Our unique, four-stage treatment approach at the LBCL Surgery & Vein Practice starts with cutting-edge technology using the Q-Switched Nd-YAG laser. It enables precise and gentle treatment of pigmentation. The ultra-short light pulses shatter the pigment particles without damaging the surrounding tissue! Fractionated radiofrequency is particularly effective in the treatment of lipodermatosclerosis (inflammation of the fatty layer under the epidermis). This deeply stimulates the production of collagen and improves the skin structure. The versatile Nd-YAG laser penetrates deep into the skin and stimulates the production of collagen. It is particularly effective in improving overall skin quality and elasticity. Our innovative use of exosomes and Nanofat fat transfer technology in regenerative medicine sets us apart from other practices. Exosomes are tiny messenger substances from stem cells that promote cell regeneration and collagen formation. Nanofat is a prepared form of the body's own fatty tissue that is rich in stem cells and growth factors. In combination with our laser treatments, we have achieved impressive results. A 60-year-old female patient with severe congestive dermatitis showed a 70 % improvement in skin quality and a significant lightening of pigmentation after the combined treatment.

Yes, but every person is different! Don't you also need individual treatments?
Dr. Salama: Of course every patient is unique! That's why our 28-day treatment protocol is also customized. We take into account factors such as age, skin type, severity of the vein disease and any concomitant illnesses. In this way, we ensure that every patient receives the optimal treatment. Our unique aftercare program extends over 18 months and enables us to precisely monitor the healing process and intervene at an early stage if necessary. At the same time, we can immediately counteract possible risks such as temporary redness or slight smoldering. Our experience shows that close aftercare significantly increases patient satisfaction and leads to better results in the long term.

What can photorejuvenation do?
Dr. Salama: Photorejuvenation, a groundbreaking treatment method that uses intense pulses of light to correct a variety of benign skin changes, is the key to comprehensive and lasting leg rejuvenation. Through the unique combination of advanced laser technologies and regenerative methods, we not only achieve a visible improvement in the appearance of the skin, but also long-term optimization of skin health. Our holistic approach, which integrates vein treatment, anti-aging and regenerative medicine, sets new standards in aesthetic medicine.
Your path to healthier and more beautiful legs begins at Dr. Mohamed Salama's LBCL Surgery & Vein Practice. Start your personal leg rejuvenation with our special vein questionnaire: Arrange a consultation today and find out how we can meet your individual needs.

Don’t waste time on temporary treatments

Our long-lasting, Individualized vein treatments will have you walking, running and dancing with more comfort and confidence

Why do people choose to have Individulised Vein Treatments?

So that they can walk, run and dance with more comfort and confidence


After the individual vein treatment, you’ve got your legs back. Those awful veins are no longer the first thing you see when you look in the mirror.


Relief washes over you knowing that your condition has been treated and you no longer have to suffer from those uncomfortable symptoms again.

You feel like you can wear everything and anything you want.

Your confidence is elevated and you feel attractive and feminine again.

After battling with troublesome veins for so long it feels so good to respect and reconnect with your body.
Your renewed energy and zest for life is refreshing for everyone around you.

Individual Vein Treatment has given you your life back. With your new fit and flawless legs you can run, jump and dance your way into a bright and beautiful future.

Take our online vein self-assessment to see if you can 
be free of troublesome veins

Get an answer in less than 3 minutes

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