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The future of skin rejuvenation

Post by 
Dr. Mohamed Salama
September 30, 2024

hy is the LBCL Surgery and Vein Practice focusing on innovative treatments for the skin?

Dr. Salama: As we age, it becomes more difficult to maintain the skin's youthful vitality. Wrinkles, pigmentation disorders and loss of elasticity are common symptoms that affect many women from the age of 45. To effectively counter these challenges, we rely on advanced medical procedures. Our latest innovation, laser-assisted drug delivery (LADD), offers an effective, clinically proven solution with minimal downtime.

What is laser-assisted drug delivery?

Dr. Salama: It is an advanced medical procedure that uses a fractional laser to create microchannels in the skin. These microchannels allow deeper penetration of medically active substances into the skin layers, which significantly increases treatment efficacy. In contrast to conventional external treatments, which often only have a superficial effect, laser-assisted drug delivery (LADD) offers a targeted and effective delivery of active ingredients based on scientific evidence. A systematic review in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology (2023) shows that it not only significantly improves the absorption of active ingredients, but also has a high clinical efficacy. The method is well accepted by patients and, with a low rate of mild, transient side effects, is safe for medical use in skin rejuvenation. Through the deeper introduction of active ingredients such as retinoids or hyaluronic acid, LADD stimulates the production of collagen and supports skin renewal. This leads to a visible smoothing of wrinkles and an improved skin structure.

Pigmentation disorders such as melasma or age spots can significantly impair the appearance of the skin. LADD enables the targeted treatment of discoloration through the improved release of depigmenting active ingredients such as trans- examic acid or vitamin C. It can promote the production of elastin, making the skin firmer and tighter. A combination with biostimulating substances that support skin regeneration is particularly effective. Not only the face, but also the legs benefit from targeted medical treatment. Our customized treatment plan comprises 4 to 6 sessions, each 4 weeks apart, to achieve optimal results.

LaserWirkstoffBehandlung (LWB) im Vergleich
Uberlegene Ergebnisse gegenüber IPL, Microneedling und injizierbaren Behandlungen(BOTOX / Fillers)

How is the LADD used?

Dr. Salama: A real leg rejuvenation requires more than just a simple surface treatment! That's why we integrate LADD seamlessly into our comprehensive treatment concept. After treating venous disorders, whether through sclerotherapy or modern laser techniques, we use this method specifically to improve skin quality and reduce pigmentation disorders. This combination is not only aimed at aesthetic concerns, but also promotes blood circulation and the general health of the legs. For patients with cellulite or fat deposits, we complement LADD with innovative body contouring methods to achieve firmer skin and an optimized leg silhouette. Our holistic approach ensures that you receive radiant, healthy and aesthetically pleasing legs.

In contrast to more invasive methods such as microneedling, LADD also offers greater patient satisfaction and enables targeted, deeper treatment with minimal side effects and a shorter recovery time. It is also more cost-effective as it requires fewer interventions and less post-operative care. Let the medical professionals at LBCL Surgery and Vein Practice advise you on how LADD can revitalize your facial or leg skin and improve your quality of life. Make an appointment today to find out how this innovative treatment can be tailored to your individual needs.

DR. MOHAMED SALAMA: “Laser-assisted drug delivery shows impressive results in facial rejuvenation. The innovative method responds effectively to wrinkles, pigment spots and sagging skin in the facial area. By precisely injecting active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and vitamin C into deeper layers of the skin, the LADD achieves a visible tightening and brightening the facial skin, resulting in a fresher, younger appearance.”


Laser-mediated Solutions: Breaking Barriers in Transdermal Drug Delivery,Novel Skin Drug Delivery Technology,Published: 19 June 2024,Volume 25, article number 142, (2024)

Systematic Review, Laser-Assisted Drug Delivery: A Systematic Review of Safety and Adverse Events, William Hao Syuen Ng 1, *

Citation: Ng, W.H.S.; Smith, S.D. Laser-Assisted Drug Delivery: A Systematic Review of Safety and Adverse Events. Pharmaceutics 2022, 14, 2738. pharmaceutics14122738

Don’t waste time on temporary treatments

Our long-lasting, Individualized vein treatments will have you walking, running and dancing with more comfort and confidence

Why do people choose to have Individulised Vein Treatments?

So that they can walk, run and dance with more comfort and confidence


After the individual vein treatment, you’ve got your legs back. Those awful veins are no longer the first thing you see when you look in the mirror.


Relief washes over you knowing that your condition has been treated and you no longer have to suffer from those uncomfortable symptoms again.

You feel like you can wear everything and anything you want.

Your confidence is elevated and you feel attractive and feminine again.

After battling with troublesome veins for so long it feels so good to respect and reconnect with your body.
Your renewed energy and zest for life is refreshing for everyone around you.

Individual Vein Treatment has given you your life back. With your new fit and flawless legs you can run, jump and dance your way into a bright and beautiful future.

Take our online vein self-assessment to see if you can 
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